Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Caregiver Support

Come meet EAU President, Kris Hansen, who will be speaking at The Family to Family Network Daytime Meeting on Thursday September 16th 10:00 am to 12:00 noon at the Utah Parent Center Conference Room.

She will be speaking about "CAREGIVER SUPPORT" for parents of children with disabilities. Admission is free.

Utah Parent Conference Center
2290 E 4500 S Ste 110
Salt Lake City

Thursday, September 16
10:00am to 12:00noon

Utah Parent Center

Sunday, September 5, 2010


The Epilepsy Association of Utah and the University of Utah Clinical Neurosciences Center present Artilepsy, an exhibition of original artwork, photography and home crafts by people of all ages living with Epilepsy. This evening illustrates the profound effect that epilepsy can have on human life and the courage, humor and imagination many show in facing it.

Entry forms can be found here.

Letters will be mailed throughout Utah inviting people to submit their original artwork to The Epilepsy Association of Utah by October 1st. If you would like to help spread the word, contact the EAU at (801) 566-5949.