Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Statement of Support

Recently, a local Syracuse restaurant has come under scrutiny for refusing to allow a Service Dog entry during business hours. It is unfortunate that this situation has occurred, and that the establishment is claiming that the dog’s Owner, Alicia Wilson, is not presenting a truthful account of the circumstances.

While we have no interest in calling out the guilty party, The Epilepsy Association of Utah would like to extend our support and understanding to Alicia and wish her only the best in our mutual effort of raising awareness about seizures and the service animals that assist person’s affected by them.

It is no small or trivial matter that Ms. Wilson brings this to the public stage. Epilepsy and seizures are not only misunderstood but the person affected by them can be stigmatized and even ostracized. Her bravery in making the simple statement that she has seizures is applauded by the Association and all those that know how potentially harsh the reaction can be.

The comments made on this article, by the public at large, show this reaction in the harshest light: apathy, mockery and ignorance. The Epilepsy Association is both saddened and angered by these heartless comments and are reaffirming, with this letter of support, that we will continue the fight to raise awareness. We will continue to offer assistance to those in need and we will always shine a light on the stigma associated with seizures! We will not stop until all persons with epilepsy and seizures are accepted and not ridiculed for speaking up on their own behalf.

We say: Well done Alicia! For living your life and not backing down!

Board of Directors
The Epilepsy Association of Utah

The original story can be found at:

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