Monday, June 10, 2013

Seize: The Story - Eli Daniels

Eli Daniels was born on January 23, 2012.  He was born four weeks early at 3 pounds 10 ounces. He was taken to the NICU in Logan, Utah, where he stayed until February 8, 2012 when he was taken to PCMC by ambulance. He stayed in PCMC NICU until mid April when he was allowed to come home. Eli was then diagnosed with Laryngomalacia, a cleft in the soft palate, significant hearing loss and blindness. 

Eli has always been small but defying doctors’ expectations. We have been told on many occasions that he is tougher than he appears especially after his multiple surgeries and hospital visits. After many inconclusive tests to determine what is his underlining condition is, Eli underwent a MRI in October of 2012. The MRI showed Eli suffered a stroke early in pregnancy.  After four months, Eli started having spasms. These were later diagnosed as Infantile Spasms. After trying a couple of steroid treatments, the EEG no longer showed spasm activity. After two months the seizures came back but now it has been determined to be another form a seizures and not infantile spasms.

 While there are no clear answers as to what is causing all of his trials, Eli is a happy, stubborn little boy. He has defied odds in his 16 months and continues to impress everyone he meets. While Eli may still be small, at not quite 15 pounds, he is learning and growing. He leaves a mark on everyone’s heart that he meets. He truly is a “small but mighty” little boy.

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